Why Did I Worry?

Why on earth did I worry that there wouldn’t be enough wool.

I should have gone with my instincts that said there would be enough.

Well I would have except my instincts have known to be wrong at times.  : – (

Wool left over












I have a small ball of wool left over which considering there are three strands of wool all wrapped together probably means there is enough wool to do something small with it such as crochet a granny square, knit a miniature mitten, add a stripe to something special.  Who knows.

Finished Mittens

















Thanks to Super Fingerless Mitten Model Elise for modelling these for me.

Regardless the mittens are finished and I love them.

They will be especially useful tomorrow as Elise and I are going to Sea Lake to watch Ashley compete in the Sea Lake Mallee Rally and it’s bound to be cold. Well actually it’s more likely going to be bloody freezing so some freshly knitted super snuggly mittens will be just the ticket.  Best of all they while they fit they are also big enough I can put a close-fitting pair of gloves on underneath them and be super warm.

See yesterday’s post for the link to the pattern to make these. They are incredibly easy – I had both knitted by 9 pm last night and that was with lots of interruptions.

An ideal gift I think.

Maybe I should gift myself with more of them…….

2 thoughts on “Why Did I Worry?

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