Swap Parcel Arrived

So the day started off in a pretty ordinary fashion.  Both girls are home with the flu – Elise (of course) has the worst dose of it and to add to her misery there is a test in Business Studies today that she really shouldn’t miss but is!  Her teacher has told me that she will reschedule the test so Elise doesn’t miss out thank goodness.  This is also the teacher who is so impressed with Elise’s standard of work in Business that she is now giving her extension work which is equivilent to what they would do in Year 12 so I don’t think we have any worries there.  My boy is still on camp and I’m missing him more than I thought.

Ashley’s day went to hell in a hand basket with a phone call at 7 am to say that yet again some cool room motors and fans aren’t working and could he come and attempt to fix them or at least sort out the problem.  These motors have been an ongoing problem for some time – no sooner do they get one problem solved than another crops up.  Both Ashley and his refridgeration mechanic mate are pulling their hair out over the whole thing.  Fortunately the coolroom owners are being very supportive and offering what help/coffee/lunches they can as the boys try to solve another mystery.  Goodness knows what time he will arrive home – I’m not expecting him for lunch – put it that way.

I have done the shopping – talk about run and grab groceries.  There are no extras in this weeks trolley as there just wasn’t time to look at anything.  I wanted/needed to get home to the girls and to catch up on some more housework.

I even managed to get the  mail and I’m so glad I did.  Apart from the usual bills there was my swap package from Anna of ThimbleAnna fame.  Truly Anna outdid herself in sending me a little bit of Spring goodness.

Three beautifully wrapped packages in the most gorgeous paper all with little hand made cards showing what number each package was.  I was very good Anna – I opened them in order…vbg.

Look at the beautiful treasures I have.  Package One had Chocolate (which I can highly recommend as Nicola and I have shared a piece – the rest are all mine……lol) and  six stunning grey lead pencils in beautiful colours.  Nicola is eyeing off the pink ones but she doesn’t have a hope of getting her hands on them….I shall hide them well…..evil laugh.

Package Two had fabric printed with CHOCOLATE on it.  Scrummy or what.  Love it and it will go with the other cream fabric I have that has the word “chocolate” printed on it…vbg.  There was also the Spring issue of Quilts and More which has heaps of wonderful ideas in it and I have already picked out about three to make.  Can’t wait to get stuck in to them.

Package Three was absolutely the Ants Pants of packages.  A small zippered purse – just the right size for little projects – and yes Anna I will use it heaps.  Imagine my surprise when it turned the purse over (the back of it was pretty amazing) and there was my name embroidered on it.  Yipee!!!!!

  Inside was a pair of stork scissors. Now I will confess I have been wanting a pair of them for ages but have resisted the urge to get some. I’m so glad now that I did…grin.  There is a reel of white thread and package of Sharps needles.  Just what I needed. I’m hunting around already for a small project to pop into my purse just so I can pull it out and show it off….vbg.

Thank you so much Anna for such a beautiful gift and for making my day so brilliantly bright with your kindness.  A huge thank you should also go to Trash  for organising this swap.  As always Trash is the most  magnificant Swap Mumma and I look forward to participating in any more swaps you organise.

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